Dr. A. Nirkko Group (Neurology)
Group leader
Dr. Arto Nirkko,
Head of the Clinic of Sleep Medicine, KSM, Lucerne
Institution and Address
University Hospital, CH-3010 Bern
Phone: +41 31 632 3054
e-mail: arto.nirkko@insel.ch

Main goals
To investigate conscious and subconscious processing from wakefulness through states of reduced vigilance and somnolence up to locked in states and coma.
Group members and their position
A. Nirkko
H. Krestel
C. Rummel
J. Mathis
Previous and current research
Brain and muscle activity and metabolism in the motor system, in attention and working memory (fMRI and MR spectroscopy); epi/genetic epilepsy research, reaction assessment during epileptic EEG activity; web-based epidemiological sleep research.
Future projects
Brain perfusion and metabolism during sleep; with stroke models and in stroke patients (EEG, NIRS).
Techniques / methods
Investigations performed in settings including sleep lab, intermediate and intensive care unit (ICU). Methods ranging from fTCD, fMRI, NIRS, EEG / EP (also hdEEG), including realtime analysis for appropriate timing and feedback.
EEG, NIRS, electrical stimulatorsr
Selected publications
Different Ipsilateral Representations for Distal and Proximal Movements in the Sensorimotor Cortex: Activation and Deactivation Patterns. Nirkko et al, NeuroImage 2001
Muscle Metabolites: Functional MR Spectroscopy during Exercise Imposed by Tetanic Electrical Nerve Stimulation. Nirkko et al, Radiology 2006
On how high performers keep cool brains in situations of cognitive overload. Jaeggi et al, Cogn,Affect+Behav.Neurosci. 2007.
Spike-triggered reaction-time EEG as a possible assessment tool for driving ability. Krestel et al, Epilepsia 2011.
Differences between RNA and DNA due to RNA editing in temporal lobe epilepsy. Krestel et al, Neurobiol.Dis. 2013.
Selected lectures, seminars, colloquia
– Lectures in Neurology (Consciousness, Coma).
– Lectures in Neuropsychology (fMRI).