Dr. M. Baud Group/e-Lab (Neurology)
Group leader
Dr. Maxime Baud
Senior Physician and Research Fellow Department of Neurology
Institution and Address
Department of Neurology
University Hospital Inselspital Bern
3010 Bern
Phone: +41 (0)31 632 30 54
e-mail: maxime.baud.neuro@gmail.com

Main goals
The e-Lab is formed by talented researchers that share the ambition to crack the most mysterious aspects of epilepsy. One unifying question we have is “why do seizures occur at particular moments in time?”. We use a translational approach to the question using big data in patients and neuronal manipulations in animal models.
Group members and their position
Kristina Slabeva, master student
Grégory Lepeu, MD-PhD student
Marc Grau, Postdoctoral Fellow
Previous and current research
We study the temporal structure of epilepsy at multiple time-scales using a broad electrophysiological arsenal in a number of settings:
• In ambulatory patients equipped with devices for chronic EEG
• In inpatients undergoing intracranial monitoring
• In animals using optogenetic and pharmacologic
Future projects
The Chronobiology of Epilepsy
The Temporal Structure of Epilepsy
Forecasting Seizure Risk
Techniques / methods
Scalp, subscalp and intracranial Electroencephalography, multi-unit recordings, optogenetics
Neuralynx, open-BCI, etc.
Selected publications
M Baud and V Rao, Gauging Seizure Risk, Neurology, 2018
M Baud, J Kleen, E Mirro, J Andrechak, D King-Stephens, E Chang, V Rao, Multi-day rhythm modulate seizure risk in epilepsy.
Nature Communications, 2018
M Baud, J Kleen, G Anumanchipalli, L Hamilton, YL Tan, R Knowlton, E Chang. Unsupervised learning of spatiotemporal interictal discharges in folcal epilepsy. Neurosurgery, 2017.
M Leonard, M Baud, M Sjerps, E Chang. Perceptual Restoration of Masked Speech in Human Cortex. Nature Communications, 2016.
Selected lectures, seminars, colloquia
Seizures are locked to multidien rhythms in epilepsy, 3rd EAN Congress 2017, Amsterdam
Swiss National Science Foundation
University of Bern
Wyss Center for Neuroengineering
Velux Foundation