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Announcement of the Symposium “Sleep Disorders And The Heart: Time for a joint effort”

October 26-27, 2016, Inselspital Bern


We are pleased to announce the Swiss-Russian Medical Scientific Symposium “Sleep disorders and the heart: Time for a joint effort”.

The main aim of this event is the interdisciplinary international exchange of fundamental and clinical scientific achievements in the fields of somnology, neurology and cardiology. It is an unique chance for the establishment of fruitful collaboration. The meeting is supported by the Swiss National Foundation within SCOPES (Scientific co-operation between Eastern Europe and Switzerland) Project. The event will involve specialists from Switzerland and Russian Federation (representatives of the Russian Society of Somnologists from the leading sleep medicine centers in Russia).

The meeting will consist of 2 plenary session focused on the role of sleep and sleep disorders in neurological and cardiovascular diseases, one session devoted to the interdisciplinary approaches in sleep medicine, two young investigators sessions, and round table discussions of the future perspectives and collaborative projects. The participants will also have an opportunity to visit Neurology Department, including Sleep-Wake-Epilepsy Center, and the Bern Sleep-Wake Days held on 27-28 October  2016.