The Academy of Sleep and Consciousness ASC, a cooperation between the University of Bern and the Università della Svizzera Italiana together with the Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale (EOC) and the Bern University Hospital, Inselspital and supported by the European Sleep Foundation (ESF), offers a teaching program to gain a certificate of advanced studies (CAS) in sleep, consciousness and related disorders.

The CAS (10 ECTS) is intended for professionals with a degree in health related disciplines, natural science or engineering who wish to gain an in-depth knowledge of sleep medicine.

The first round of this CAS is launched on Thursday, 18.10.2018 during the Bernese Sleep-Wake-Days. After a welcome address and a series of lecutures there will be a practical introduction into the program for registered trainees.

One module of this CAS module forms the Sleep Science Winter School organized by BENESCO from March 3-6, 2019, in Wengen.

For further information visit the ASC webpage.